Sunday, June 11, 2006

June Message

I am at an Adult Learning seminar these last 2 days. Most of the attendees are educators, pseudo named knowledge broker/behaviour change agents (all this new lingo... Prosumers= producer + consumer...) We also study the characteristics value/behaviour of these 4 generations: silent generation, boomers, generation X and Y. By definition, I am X and my brother is Y. Hmmm. I am intrigued, fascinated. All the while I am thinking during the lecture. How do I communicate effectively with M? Why is it everything appears wrong from my mouth?... (trouble shooting in my mind) But I really enjoyed learning all these new ideas/ concepts/ theories, and venture into unfamiliar areas of philo/ social/ anthro/ psycho studies.

There are so many neat quotes form various lecturers. One of them says that the 21st century definition of an expert is "someone who knows what they don't know and able to manage what they don't know!" Haha. Now are you worried?